Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)

Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)

BCA Course is an undergraduate program where students are exposed to various areas of computer applications including the latest developments in the industry. The program also carries out the required analysis and synthesis involved in computer systems, information systems and computer applications. BCA students have an amble job opportunities in IT sector, Banking, Insurance .etc.The B.C.A degree offered at De Paul College is based on the degree requirements of the University of Mysore.


  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
  • Animation, Graphics Design and Web Technologies
  • Cyber Security with Ethical Hacking

Best Career Options After BCA

  • Get an MCA (Master of Computer Applications)
  • Become a Data Scientist.
  • Become a Digital Marketer.
  • Learn Product Management.
  • Enter the Blockchain Industry.
  • Become a Cyber Security Expert.
  • MBA (Master of Business Administration)

JOB opportunity after BCA

A BCA graduate gets ample opportunities in both the private and public sectors.

  • Public Sector – A BCA degree opens up various opportunities in various Government sectors like a bank, defence, UPSC CDSE, UPSC, SSC CGL, SSC, NTPC, Steel Authority of India, BHEL,etc
  • Private Sector – India has witnessed the emergence of the IT sector probably like no other country in the world which has created a plethora of job opportunities for BCA graduates, especially in the past decade or two.

Head of the Department

Mrs. Roch Libia Rani

Assistant Professor

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