Know Your Library
- Eligibility for the Library Membership
All students, faculty members, and administrative staff of the De Paul College are eligible to obtain Library membership.
- How to become a library member?
The library membership card will be issued in the library between the working hours. Students and Staff submit the membership form to the librarian along with stamp size photography.
- Circulation Policy
- Borrowing facilities are given only to the member of the library
- Two books are issued to students for 10 days.
- New books can only be issued after technical processing has been completed.
- Reference books, rare books, and unbounded periodicals may not be issued generally except with the written permission of the Principal.
- The librarian shall have the power to refuse the issue of a book to any member or he/she can recall any book without assigning any reason thereby.
- Renewal of Issued Books
- Books borrowed should be presented physically for renewal.
- Books will be renewed only if there are no reservations.
- In the case of a reserved document, the same will be allotted to the borrower foremost in the reservation list.
- Over Dues Charges
- If books are not returned on the due date, an overdue charge of 2.00 Rupees cost per day will be charged.
- All members should return the books borrowed from the library before they proceed on a long period of leave. Borrowers will be held responsible for any damage or mutilation of the document noticed at the time of returning.
- Members should return all the library books and cards while taking no due certificate from the library.
- If a member does not pay the library dues, the privilege of borrowing books may be suspended till he/she pays the requisite amount.
- Loss of Books /Damage
- In case any book is lost /damaged by the member, the member shall replace the book or pay double the cost of the lost book.
- General Guidelines
- Every person who enters the library should sign the gate register in token of his/her acceptance to adhere to the rules of the library. No personal belongings shall be allowed except for papers and notebooks.
- The readers should maintain silence within the library premises. No reader is allowed to sleep on the library premises.
- Eating, loud conversation, chewing, and similar objectionable acts are not allowed and are strictly prohibited in the library.
- It is in the interest of the borrower to verify at the time of borrowing, whether the document is in good condition or not, and report damage/mutilation if any, to the library staff.
- The Library staff are authorized to check any user for books brought into or taken out of the Library. Readers must be aware and adhere to Plagiarism, Photocopy right act 1957 towards duplicating any reading materials of the library either in full or portion.
- Library Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (Closed for lunch from 12:20 PM to 1:20 PM)
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM